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The Bonefolder: an e-journal for the bookbinder and book artist

The Bonefolder — Volume 7, 2011

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Table of contents:

  • Cuban Book Arts Collaborations – Steven Daiber / Colaboración Cubana en el Libro de las Artes – Steven Daiber
  • Capturing the Quotidian: Book Artists Explore New Tools – Miriam Schaer
  • Evening Conversations of the Booklover Rubricius and the Printer Tympanus – Oldrich Menhart
  • The New Oriental Binding Structure described – Monique Lallier and Pamela Barrios
  • Eyes Wide Open and Fingers Crossed: Production and Distribution Problems with Large-Editioned Artists’ Books – Phil Zimmermann
  • Tomorrow’s Past – Charles Gledhill
  • A Non-Adhesive Externally-Sewn Binding Solution to a 14th C. Vellum Manuscript – Scott Kellar
  • Focus On Artists’ Books V: Artspace Mackay – Doug Spowart
  • Reading by Space and Time in Building by the Book – Mary Tasillo
  • An International Survey of Experimental Books – Grant Mandarino
  • Bonefolder Bind-O-Rama 2010: The Thread That Binds
  • Book Reviews
    • Baker, Cathleen A. From the Hand to the Machine. Nineteenth-century American paper and mediums: technologies, materials and conservation. Review by Jeffrey S. Peachey
    • Carlisle, Kate. Homicide in Hardcover, If Books Could Kill, and The Lies That Bind. Review by Marieka Kaye
    • Etherington, Don. Bookbinding & Conservation: A Sixty-year Odyssey of Art and Craft. Review by Peter D. Verheyen
  • Submission Guidelines

The Bonefolder (online) ISSN 1555-6565

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URL: /bonefolder/vol7contents.htm