Articles About Artist's Books:
Drucker, Johanna, "Static Object: Dynamic Form" Sculpture, November 1996, pp. 20 & 24.
Alexander, Charles, "Centering the Art (Arts?) of the Book" M/E/A/N/I/N/G, #17 May 1995, pp. 21-26.Bee, Susan, "Why a Book is not a Painting" JAB 3, Spring 1995, pp. 14-15.
Beube, Douglas "An Identity Crisis," JAB 3, Spring 1995, pp.30-31.
Douglas, Helen, "The Two I's Within the We: The Why & How I Make Books," JAB 3, Spring 1995, pp. 8-10.
Drucker, Johanna , "Critical Necessities,"JAB 4 , Fall 1995, pp. 4-8.
Drucker, Johanna , "Johanna Drucker Responds," JAB 3, Spring 1995, p. 31.
Lyons, Joan (and Freemann Brad), 'Interview with Joan Lyons,'JAB 4 , Fall 1995, pp. 11-17.
Maran, Sally Scott, "Science Defined by the Hands of a Book Artist," pp. 108-111.
Martens, Anne , "The Book Maker's Desire: Writings on the Art of the Book by Buzz Spector," AFTERIMAGE, Volume 23, Number One, June 1995, p. 25.
McC, E, "Auction House Leads LC to Lost Whitman Notebooks", American Libraries, April 1995, pp. 292-293.
Moeglin-Delcroix, Anne, "A Mass Produced Product of High Order," JAB 4 , Fall 1995, pp. 18-20.
Piombino, Nick, "The Visual-Verbal World of Johanna Drucker: Five New Books,"M/E/A/N/I/N/G, #18 November 1995, pp. 54-66.
Stokes, Telfer, "The Two I's Within the We: The Why & How I Make Books," JAB 3, Spring 1995, pp. 11-12.
Zimmerman, Phil,"A Few Observations," JAB 4 , Fall 1995, pp. 9-10.
Zweig, Janet, "All Dressed Up With No Place to Go: The Failure of Artist's Books," JAB 4 , Fall 1995, pp. 1-3.
Bernstein, Charles , "I Don't Take Voice Mail," M/E/A/N/I/N/G, #16 November 1994, pp. 55-61.Freeman, Brad ,"Artist's Books/Book-Like Objects," JAB, Edition One, Volume One, Spring 1994, pp. 1-2, 4, 6.
Taylor, G. Thomas, "Booktalk: Where is Wonderland?" Bookways, Number 11, April, 1994, pp. 2-3.
Pagel, David and Spector, Buzz, Interview, BOMB, Summer 1993, XXXIV pp. 8-11.
King, Susan E., "California Artist's Books, A Re-View," Calligraph, Volume XV, no.1, 1992, pp. 2, 8-9.
Porges, Maria, and Spector, Buzz, "Dialogue, VISIONS, Quarterly, Fall 1990, pp. type it in
Banister, Manly Bookbinding as a Handcraft Bell Publishing Company N.Y 1975.
Bringhurst, Robert The Elements of Typographic Style. Hartley and Marks Inc., 1992.
Carter, Sebastian Twentieth Century Type Designers. New Editions. New York, W. W. Norton, 1995. $35.00.
Cave, Roderick The Private Press (2nd Edition) c. 1983 N.Y. Bowker. Noted for it's detailed account of fine printing in the last 100 years.
Chappel, Warren A Short History of the Printed Word. Alfred A. Knopf, 1970.
Cockerell, Douglas Bookbinding and the Care of Books offered by E.R. Hamilton's Sale catalog for $11.86.
Diehl, Edith Bookbinding Its Background and Technique Vol. I & II. Hacker Art Books N.Y. 1979.
Drucker, Johanna, The Century of Artist's Books,, c. 1995, 377 pages (illustrated). To Order Contact: Steve Clay, Granary Books, 568 Broadway #403, New York,NY 10012, (p) 212.226.5462 or (f) 212.226.6143.
Drucker, Johanna, The Alphabetic Labyrinth: The Letters in History and Imagination, Thames and Hudson, London, 1995, 320 pp..
Drucker, Johanna, TheVisible Word: Experimental Typography and Modern Art, 1909-1923,, University of Chicago Press, 1994, 298pp.
Eason, Ron & Rookledge, Sarah Rookledge's International Handbook of Type Designers: a Biographical Directory. Carshalton Beeches, Surrey, England, Sarema Press, 1991.
Eisenstein, Elizabeth The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Encyclopedia of Printing, Photographic and Photomechanical Process. Originally published as a two-volume set, it is now available as a one-volume reprent. 472 pages, 1, 500 articles, 5,500 references in six languages. German translation of most terms, wiht German, author and general indexes, plus appendix on terms and abbreviations on or about prints.
Febvre, Lucien The Coming of the Book. Verso, 1990.
Franklin, Colin The Private Presses (2nd Edition) c. 1991 Solar Press (American dist: Gowever Publishing, Brookfield Vt.)
Gaylord, Susan Kapuscinski, Multicultural books to Make and Share ISBN 0-590-48921-6. To order write Susan Gaylord at: Box 852, Newburyport, MA. 01950 (508) 462-3255
Hammack, Rita Anyone Can Make a Book.
Hasluck, Paul N. Bookbinding.
History and Practice of Platinum Printing 3rd English Language Edition. The (photographic) platinotype process was used to illustrate 19th centuray books. Today, it is the most popular artistic photo printmaking process and in fact, this book is also available, on a very limited basis, with an original print, tipped-in. The print is off the internegative produced by an Iris Printer. Such an illustrated book is a first in the history of the book. 192 pages.
Hollander, Annette Easy-to-Make-Decorative boxes and Desk Accessories. (Dover) A republication of the 1974 book originally entitled Bookcraft: How to Construct Notepad Covers, Boxes and Other Useful Items.
Jackson, Paul The Pop-Up Book.
Johnson, Arthur W. The Craft of Bookbinding Thames and Hudson. Mr. Johnson says, "the aim of this book is to explain, by means of theory, general instruction and progressive exercises, the principals by which books are constructed." Part 2 of the book has a series of projects to give the beginner the hand skills necessary to begin to learn the profession.
Johnson, Arthur The Thames and Hudson Manual of Bookbinding. Thames and Hudson, 1978.
Johnson, Paul Literacy through the Book Arts ISBN 0-435-08766-5. To order : Hinemann, 361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801-3921 (602) 431-7894.
Johnson, Paul A Book of One's Own ISBN 0-435-08708-8. To order : Hinemann, 361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801-3921 (602) 431-7894.
Johnson, Pauline Creative Bookbinding Dover Publications, N.Y. Covers a short history, types of, tools, nomenclature, simple and more complex projects and paper decoration.
Kiegami, Kojiro Japanese Bookbinding Instructions from a Master Craftsman Adapted by Barbara B. Stephens Weatherhill N.Y. 1986.
LaPlantz, Shereen Cover to Cover.
Lyons, Joan, Artist's Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook, Edited ISBN: 0-87905-280-5 (may be out of print). Gibbs M. Smith, Inc. Peregrine Smith Books 1953.
McLean, Ruari The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography. Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1980.
McMurtrie, Douglas C., The Book C. 1937, Covici-Friede.
Middleton, Bernard The Restoration of Leather Bindings.
Mitchell, John An Introduction to gold finishing.
Mitchell, John The Craftsman's Guide to Edge Decoration.
Modern Carbon Printing. the carbon transfer process was the first permanent facsimile process used to reproduce drawings and paintings in 19th Century books. Braun in France, Hanfstaengl in germany, Autotype in england and others, used the process to illustrate many of the finest art books in that period. Note that MCP is a how-to book.
Morgan, Robert C., Commentaries on the New Media Arts: Fluxus & Conceptual Art, Artist's Books, Correspondence Art & Video Art, c. 1992, An Umbrella/Banana Production, ISBN: 0-9635042-0-7. To order write: Umbrella, P.O. Box 3640, Santa Monica, CA 90408, USA. (e-mail) Judith Hoffberg
Muir, David Binding and Repairing Books by Hand. Arco Publishing Company Inc. N.Y. 1978.
Nevins, Iris, 105 Helpful marbling Hints c. 1990 ISBN 0-9620400-20-9 Twenty-five pages. Available at Bookbinders Warehouse, 31 Division St., Keyport, NJ 07735-1522 or from her directly at Iris Nevins, 116 Holland Road, Sussex, New Jersey 07461.
Nevins, Iris Traditional Marbling available at Bookbinders Warehouse, 31 Division St., Keyport, NJ 07735-1522 or from her directly at Iris Nevins, 116 Holland Road, Sussex, New Jersey 07461.
Nevins, Iris Fabirc Marbling available at Bookbinders Warehouse, 31 Division St., Keyport, NJ 07735-1522 or from her directly at Iris Nevins, 116 Holland Road, Sussex, New Jersey 07461.
Pearce, W. B. Practical Bookbinding.
Pollard, Alfred W. Fine Books c. 1964 reprented N.Y. Cooper Square.
Pye, David, The Nature of Design, Reinhold, c. 1964 New York.
Pye, David, The Nature and Art of Workmanship, c. 1968 Studio Vista.
Reed, R. Ancient Skins, Parchments and Leathers. It contains excellent diagrams and photos concerning the nature of skin and historic methods of preparation.
Richmond, Pamela Bookbinding: A Manual of Techniques offered by E.R. Hamilton's Sale Catalog for $20.96.
Sheperd, Rob Hand-Made Books: An Introduction to Bookbinding.
Smith, Keith, Non-Adhesive Binding (revised edition), ISBN: 0927159-04-X, paperback is 128 pages (illustrated), smythe-sewn. This coherent and richly illustrated book is a must for those practicioners or teachers interested in how to apprehend and perform simple and complex book binding. To order contact: Keith Smith, 22 Cayuga Street, Rochester, NY14620, 716-473-6776.
Smith, Keith, Structure of the Visual Book (the revised and expanded edition), ISBN: 0-927159-06-6, paperback is 128pages (illustrated), smythe-sewn and discusses how books are ordered and describes strategies for unique text and image layout. To order contact: Keith Smith, 22 Cayuga Street, Rochester, NY 14620, 716-473-6776.
Smith, Keith, Text in the Book Format,125 pages (illustrated), ISBN: 0-927159-00-7. To order contact: Keith Smith, 22 Cayuga Street, Rochester, NY 14620, 716-473-6776.
Solomon, Martin The Art of Typography. 2nd Edition, 1994.
Spector, Buzz The Book Maker's Desire, c.1995 Umbrella Editions, ISBN: 0-9635042-1-5. To order contact: Judith A. Hofberg, UMBRELLA P.O. Box 3640, Santa Monica, CA 90403. Phone/fax for editorial Office is: (310)399-1146 or by e-mail at:
Tschichold, Jan The Form of the Book.
Tufte, Edwarde Envisioning Information. Graphics press, 1990.
Vaughan, Alex J. Modern Bookbinding.
Walsh, Natalie Making Books Across the Cirriculum, ISBN: 0-590-49647-6 to order contact: Scholastic books, P.O. Box 7502, jefferson City, MO 65402 (800) 325-6149.
Watson, Aldren A. Hand Bookbinding A manual of Instruction. Bell Publishing Company, Inc. N.Y. 1963.
Webberley, Marilyn Books, Boxes and Wraps. Bifocal Publishing.
Wilson, Adrian The Design of Books. Peregrine Smith, 1974.
Wroth, Lawrence C. A History of the Printed Book. c. 1938. N.Y Limited Editions Club.
Zeier, Franz Books, Boxes and Portfolios. Design Press.
Berger, John ,Ways of Seeing, c.1972, 166 pages (illustrated), ISBN: 0-563-122447.
Scholes, Robert, Protocal of Reading, c. 1989, ISBN: 0-300-04513-1 (cloth) or ISBN: 0-300-05062-3 (pbk).
Printed Matter Bokstore at Dia, 77 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10012, USA, (p) 212.925.0325 or (f) 212.925.0464.
The Veatchs: Arts of the Book, 20 Veronica Court, Smithtown, NY 11787-1323, USA, (p) 516.265.3357 or (f) 516.360.2296.
Burning Book Press founded 1984. "Hand-cut and individually- assembled viusual poetry chapbooks in color" by David Drum. To order contact: David Drum, Burning Books Press, 1971 Rodney Drive #102, Los Angeles, CA 90027, U.S.A.
Center for Book Arts, founded by Richard Minsky in 1974, a schedule of events and programs at CBA, for more information write: Brian Hannon, Director, Center for Book Arts, 626 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 1002, U.S.A. (p) 212.460.9768 or e-mail Mr. Minsky at:
Books as Objects c.1993, organized by Donald Vogler, Comus Gallery, Portland OR 97204 (now closed). Introductory essay by Thomas A. Vogler, 38 pages (illustrated/color), To order contact: Donald Vogler, (p) 503-274-1760 or (e)
Luminous Volumes,Granary Books 'Eleven Year Anniversary Catalog, 23 pages (illustrated-color) and includes a fine introductory essay by Johanna Drucker published in 1993 by the author/artist. For more information contact: Steve Clay, Granary Books, 568 Broadway #403, New York, NY 10012, (p) 212.226.5462 or (f) 212.226.6143.
The Packwood Diaries c.1994, organized by Donald Vogler, Comus Gallery, Portland OR 97204 (now closed). Introductory essay by Thomas A. Vogler, 38 pages (illustrated), To order contact: Donald Vogler, (p) 503-274-1760 or (e)
Drucker, Johanna Luminous Volumes,for Granary Books 'Eleven Year Anniversary Catalog' in 1993. For more information contact: Steve Clay, Granary Books, 568 Broadway #403, New York, NY 10012,(p) 212.226.5462 or (f) 212.226.6143.
Vogler, Thomas A., Shaking the Memory: Don't Forget to Remember to Forget, for The Packwood Diaries 1994 exhibition at the Comus Gallery, Portland OR 97204 (now closed), 38 pages (illustrated). To order a catalog contact: Donald Vogler, (p) 503-274-1760 or (e)
Vogler, Thomas A. , THIS...This IS...This is NOT...THIS IS NOT A BOOK: CECI N'EST PAS UN----LIVRE, c.1993, for Books as Objects, at the Comus Gallery, Portland OR 97204 (now closed), 38 pages (illustrated/color). To order a catalog contact: Donald Vogler, (p) 503-274-1760 or (e)
Book Arts Roundup, A newsletter of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Guild of Bookworkers. To subscribe conctact: Pamela Barrios, BYU, 3008 HBLL, Provo, UT 84602, U.S.A, or by (e): or (p) 801.378.7654.
Cold-Drill Magazine, A richly varied and often humourous (albiet dry) look at bookish possibilities. To subscribe conctact: Tom Trusky, Director, Hemingway Western Studies Center, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725, U.S.A., (p) 208.385.1999, (f) 208.385.4373, (e)
Idaho Center for the Book: Newsletter, (published bi-annually in April/October) To subscribe conctact: Tom Trusky, Director, Hemingway Western Studies Center,Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725, U.S.A., (p) 208.385.1999, (f) 208.385.4373,(e)
(JAB) Journal of Artist's Books, A unique and evolving resource with lively commentary on timely matters of the book (illustrated). To subscribe contact: Brad Freeman, JAB, 324 Yale Avenue, CT 06515 or (p) 203.387.6735.
M/E/A/N/I/N/G, is published bi-annually and edited by Susan Bee. Each issue is a thoughfully organized examination into 'Contemporary Arts Issues', with cogent writing from esteemed writers and visual artist's. To subscribe contact: Mira Schor, M/E/A/N/I/N/G, 60 Lispenard Street, New York, NY 10013.
UMBRELLA, 'is an occasional newsletter focusing on artists' publications and twentieth-century art documentation, including books by artists, as well as artists' periodicals with news and reviews. To subscribe contact: Judith A. Hoffberg, UMBRELLA P.O. Box 3640, Santa Monica, CA 90408. Phone/fax for editorial Office is: (310)399-1146 or by e-mail at:
Solitatre, by David Schlater, c.1995. A deck of 52 (unbound) playing cards with a playfully punning twist: the card faces are filled with chilling quotes from an Arkansas prisoner perhaps alluding to the many faces of schizophrenia or the random encounters we readily collate to form our individual realities. When playing a hand the seemingly dependable boundaries of reading, the card game, social decourum and mental cohesiveness quickly unfurl becoming inextriucably linked and forever blurred. To order write: David Schlater, University of Idaho, Department of Art, Moscow, ID 83843, U.S.A., (e) or view his homepage to see additional works or locate commercial distribution sites in your area.
Bensley, Lis, "When the Boo ok becomes Artish", Pasatiempo, March 3-9, 1995, p.12.
Hemp, Christine , "The Book as Art II", THE magazine, April 1995, p. 55.
Herring, Neill, "Re-Reading the Boundless Book: Art and Language Rewrite the Twenty First Century", Art Papers, January/February, 1995, p. 51-52.
Hill, Shawn, "Safe Space: The Meditative Sculpture of Cambridge artist Ted Clausen unites text and often familiar household objects", New EnglandŐs: Bay Windows, August 10 - 16, 1995, p. 1-2.
Maran, Scott, "Science defined by the hands of a book artist", Smithsonian, June 1995, p.108-111.
Updike, Robin, "New Show at Friesen...books by Pasco artist Morse Cleary", The Seattle Times, Art Calender, Thursdays, December 7, 1995.
Vogt, Andrea ,"Literature becomes art in a different way",The Idaho State Journal, (AP), Sunday, October 1, 1995, Section E, p. 1.
Balsamo, Dean, "Gallery Hopping: The Book as Art Exhibition at the Edith Lambert Gallery,"Pasatiempo, March 11, 1994, p. 44.Drucker, Johanna, " The Public Life of Artist's Books: Questions of Identity", (JAB), The Journal of Artist's Books, Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 1994, p.3,4,6 and10-12.
Fleming, Lee, "Piquing 'Packwood Diaries'",The Washington Post, Saturday, December, 10, 1994, p. D2.
Hauser, Susan G., "Hanging Sen. Packwood", The Wall Street Journal, September, 26, 1994, p. A12.
Hicks, Bob , ""Senator gets more than a tweak in Comus 'Packwood Diaries'", The Oregonian, Saturday, September, 10, 1994.
Versace, Candelora,"Art is an Open Book," Pasatiempo, March 4, 1994, p. 31-34.
Gragg, Randy, "Books as Objects as Books," The Oregonian, Dec. 3, 1993.Minsky, Richard, "Innovation From Tradition in the gbook Arts," American Craft, Oct/Nov 1993.
Drucker, Johanna, "The Public Life of Artist's Books: A Question of Identity", (JAB) Journal of Artists's Books, Volume One, Number Two, Fall 1994, p. 1,2,4,6, 10 & 11. A piquant look at three panel discussions on artist's books (two in NYC and one in MPLS) colored by Drucker's experience as book theoritician and practicioner and her who's hot and who's not indexing of various bookarts personalities. To subscribe contact: Brad Freeman, JAB, 324 Yale Avenue, CT 06515 or (p) 203.387.6735.
Bernstein, Charles , "I Don't Take Voice Mail," M/E/A/N/I/N/G, #16 November 1994, pp. 55-61.
Drucker, Johanna, "The Future of Writing" M/E/A/N/I/N/G,#16 November 1994, pp. 55-61.
Max, D. T. , "The End of the Book?", The Atlantic Monthly, September 1994, pp 62-64.
"The Future of the Book",Wired, February 1996, p. 188.
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